Inorder to use the auto-publishing service provided by SMAP Solutions, you need to install the Social Media Auto Publish plugin provided by There are 2 editions of this plugin, You may use either plugin for this purpose. You may also use the Facebook Auto Publish plugin by

These plugins allows you to use your own app or SMAP Solutions app for auto-publishing to Facebook. Using your own app has below prerequisites

  • You should  have a Facebook developer account
  • You must create a create a Facebook app for autopublishing
  • You need to prepare and submit videos of app permission usage in your site
  • You need to get the app approved
  • You need to verify your business with Facebook

Instead of going through all these complicated procedures, you may choose to use our pre-approved app for auto-publishing  which can be setup in a minute or two. The only prerequisite for using our app is to  purchase any of our auto-publish package (starts from 10 USD/year). The purchase can be done in the authorization procedure described below .

If you are using the Social Media Auto Publish Premium edition, all you need to do is to configure  a Facebook account from the plugin by selecting ‘SMAP Solutions app’ and authorize the same. During the authorization you shall be prompted for package purchase. Once it is completed, you can complete the authorization  and select the pages required for authorization. The detailed documentation of the plugin is available here .

If you are using the Social Media Auto Publish free edition or  Facebook Auto Publish Plugin, you need to first connect your plugin with  from settings page of the plugin. Once connected, you may select ‘SMAP Solutions app’ in app configuration section and complete the authorization procedure as in case of the premium plugin.